Saturday, September 6, 2014

Şuayipşehri lit. The City of Shu'aib is an ancient city and ruins located in the Harran district of Şanlıurfa Province. The town is also known as Özkent Village. The architectural remains are probably belong to the Roman period. It's believed that Prophet Shu'aib used to live in this city. The cave in the city is visited as the tomb of Prophet Shu'aib.

Coordinates: 36° 52' 0.29" N  39° 22' 40.81" E

Photo by fabilisim

The Entrance of the House of Prophet Shu'aib, Photo by Mehmet Topçu

Photo by bugst

Photo by bugst

Tepmle Remains, Photo by Özgür Eğilmez 
Tepmle Remains, Photo by Özgür Eğilmez

Ancient Grape Crushing Pool, Photo by Özgür Eğilmez

A Cellar Cave, Photo by Özgür Eğilmez

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