Saturday, September 27, 2014

Lake Van (Turkish: Van Gölü) is the largest lake in Turkey, located in Van and Bitlis Provinces. It is a saline soda lake, receiving water from numerous small streams that descend from the surrounding mountains. Lake Van is one of the world's largest endorheic lakes (having no outlet). The original outlet from the basin was blocked by an ancient volcanic eruption.

Lake Van is 119 kilometres across at its widest point, averaging a depth of 171 metres with a maximum recorded depth of 451 metres. The lake surface lies 1,640 metres above sea level and the shore length is 430 kilometres. Lake Van has an area of 3,755 km2  and a volume of 607 cubic kilometres.

Coordinates: 38° 32' 32.13" N  42° 52' 44.23" E


Photo by Davut AYDIN

Photo by Nevzat.Turğut

Photo by Mete ERENGİL

Photo by Mete ERENGİL

Photo by serdar çetin

Photo by ismail kılıçaslan

Photo by Arthur_G_78

Photo by Mehmet Güçlü

Photo by Mustafa Kilicaslan

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