Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Keban Dam

The Keban Dam (Turkish: Keban Barajı) is a hydroelectric dam on the Euphrates, located in the Elazığ Province (also between Tunceli and Erzincan). The dam was the first and uppermost of several large-scale dams to be built on the Euphrates by Turkey. Construction of the dam commenced in 1966 and was completed in 1974. Keban Dam Lake (Turkish: Keban Baraj Gölü), the reservoir created by Keban Dam, has a surface area of 675 square kilometres and is reputedly the fourth-largest lake in Turkey after Lake Van, Lake Tuz, and the reservoir created by the Atatürk Dam.

Coordinates: 38° 48' 21.14" N  38° 45' 0.71" E

Photo by Haluk CÖMERTEL

Photo by Haluk CÖMERTEL

Photo by Haluk CÖMERTEL

Photo by Haluk CÖMERTEL

Photo by Nurettin Peşkircioğlu

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