Saturday, September 20, 2014

Arslantepe Hoyuk

Arslantepe Hoyuk (Turkish: Arslantepe Höyüğü) is an ancient settlement located in Malatya Province. Neo Hittite City with later Assyrian and Persian occupation within mound. Originally inhabited from the 5th millennium BCE. The mound is 120 meters to 200 meters.

Coordinates: 38° 22' 55.75" N  38° 21' 33.48" E

Photo by Orhan DURGUT

Photo by Kasım OKTAY

Photo by taylan kangal

Photo by Isokyay

Photo by Seref Halicioglu

Photo by Seref Halicioglu

Photo by Seref Halicioglu

Photo by Isokyay

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