Sunday, September 21, 2014

Antioch of Pisidia (Turkish: Antiocheia, Pisidya) is a city located inYalvaç district of Isparta Province. The city is on a hill with its highest point of 1236 m in the north. It has been a tradition to claim that the city dates back to the 3rd century BC and that it was founded by the Seleucid Dynasty, one of the Hellenistic kingdoms.

Coordinates: 38° 18' 17.90" N  31° 11' 13.92" E

Photo by maschuehle

Photo by maschuehle

Photo by maschuehle

Photo by maschuehle

Photo by maschuehle

Photo by maschuehle

Photo by maschuehle

Photo by maschuehle

Photo by maschuehle

Photo by maschuehle

Photo by maschuehle

Photo by maschuehle

Photo by maschuehle

Photo by maschuehle

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