Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Masumu Pak Castle

Masumu Pak Castle (Turkish: Masum-u Pak Kalesi) is located in the Hozat district of Tunceli Province. The castle was built in Urartu period.

Photo by alikocael

Photo by alikocael

Cemisgezek Caves

Çemişgezek Caves (Turkish:Çemişgezek Mağaraları) is located in the Çemişgezek district of Tunceli Province. The caves are belong to Urartu period.

Photo by Savaş Köksal

Photo by Savaş Köksal

Photo by Savaş Köksal

Photo by Savaş Köksal

Turbe of Ferruh Sad Bey

The Turbe of Ferruh Şad Bey (Turkish: Ferruh-Şad Bey Türbesi) was built in 1551. The turbe is located in the Çemişgezek district of Tunceli Province.

Coordinates: 39° 1' 41.47" N  39° 2' 56.45" E

Photo by uğur adıgüzel

Keban Dam

The Keban Dam (Turkish: Keban Barajı) is a hydroelectric dam on the Euphrates, located in the Elazığ Province (also between Tunceli and Erzincan). The dam was the first and uppermost of several large-scale dams to be built on the Euphrates by Turkey. Construction of the dam commenced in 1966 and was completed in 1974. Keban Dam Lake (Turkish: Keban Baraj Gölü), the reservoir created by Keban Dam, has a surface area of 675 square kilometres and is reputedly the fourth-largest lake in Turkey after Lake Van, Lake Tuz, and the reservoir created by the Atatürk Dam.

Coordinates: 38° 48' 21.14" N  38° 45' 0.71" E

Photo by Haluk CÖMERTEL

Photo by Haluk CÖMERTEL

Photo by Haluk CÖMERTEL

Photo by Haluk CÖMERTEL

Photo by Nurettin Peşkircioğlu

Awmasi Plateau

Awmasi Plateau (Turkish: Avmasi Yaylası and is also known as Eğlence Mezrası) is located in the Solhan district of Bingöl Province.

Photo by Ubeyit

Melekan Plateau

Melekan Plateau (Turkish: Melekan Yaylası) is located in the Solhan district of Bingöl Province.

Photo by a_aydın

Photo by a_aydın

Photo by a_aydın

Lake Gerindal

Lake Gerindal (Turkish: Gerindal Gölü) is a crater lake located at an altitude of 2,371 meters. The lake is located in Bingöl Province.

Coordinates: 38° 49' 46.24" N  40° 20' 3.43" E

Photo by Remzi Budancir

Photo by socrates0025

Mount Sulbus

Mount Sulbus (Turkish: Sülbüs Dağı) is located in the Yayladere district of Bingöl Province. The height of the mountain is 2884 meters.

Coordinates: 39° 15' 33.98" N  40° 1' 12.37" E

Photo by Mete ERENGİL

Photo by Hüseyin Kasun

Photo by Hüseyin Kasun

Photo by prometheus12

Photo by prometheus12

Monday, September 29, 2014

Yolcati Ski Center

Yolçatı Ski Center (Turkish: Yolçatı Kayak Merkezi) is located in Bingöl Province.

Coordinates: 38° 56' 37.16" N 40° 17' 55.98" E

© http://bingoll.blogspot.com.tr/

Photo by beyazyildirim

Hamidian İdadîye

Hamidian İdadîye (Turkish: Hamidiye İdadisi, meaning middle school in former Turkish) is located in the Söğüt districct of Bilecik Province. The school was built in 1905.

Coordinates: 40° 0' 58.08" N  30° 10' 53.13" E

Photo by serdar uyar

Photo by Fatih DURSUN

245166 - Mehter Takımı - Söğüt Belediyesi - Bilecik Sanal Tur

Dar'ul Eytam

Dar'ül Eytam (Turkish: Yetimler Yurdu, meaning Orpan's House in former Turkish) is located in the Söğüt district of Bilecik Province. The house was built in 1905.

Photo by Fatih DURSUN

245166 - Mehter Takımı - Söğüt Belediyesi - Bilecik Sanal Tur

Hamidiye Mosque

Hamidiye Mosque or Double Minaret Mosque (Turkish: Hamidiye Camii or Çifte Minareli Cami) is located in the Söğüt district of Bilecik Province. The mosque was built in 1905 by Abdulhamit II.

Photo by serdar uyar

Photo by serdar uyar

Photo by byold34

Photo by byold34

245166 - Mehter Takımı - Söğüt Belediyesi - Bilecik Sanal Tur

Sogut Ertugrul Gazi Museum

Söğüt Ertuğrul Gazi Museum (Turkish: Söğüt Ertuğrul Gazi Müzesi) is located in the Söğüt district of Bilecik Province. This historical building was built at the beginning of 1900

Photo by İsmail AKPINAR

Photo by serdar uyar

Photo by serdar uyar

Photo by VEYCELL32

Photo by Suat ÖZDOĞAN

Bilecik Museum

Bilecik Museum (Turkish: Bilecik Müzesi) is located in Bilecik Province. The museum was opened in 2007.

Photo by Nazmi BERBEROGLU

Photo by Kasım OKTAY

Photo by Kasım OKTAY

Photo by Kasım OKTAY

Bilecik Clock Tower

Bilecik Clock Tower (Turkish: Bilecik Saat Kulesi) is located in Bilecik Province. The tower was built in 1907.

Photo by ziya yavuzdemir

Photo by ridvan tuncel

Baksi Museum

Baksı Museum (Turkish: Baksı Müzesi) is located in Bayburt Province. The museum was opened in 2010.

Coordinates: 40° 23' 11.17" N  40° 34' 4.35" E

Photo by Mete ERENGİL

Photo by Kayıhan Bölükbaşı

Photo by Kayıhan Bölükbaşı

Bayburt Clock Tower

Bayburt Clock Tower (Turkish: Bayburt Saat Kulesi) is located in Bayburt Province. The tower was built in 1923.

Photo by jossef

Photo by Yavuz Tugcu

Photo by Muhammet HACIHASANOĞLU

Korgan Bridge

Korgan Bridge (Turkish: Korgan Köprüsü) is located in Bayburt Province. The bridge was built in 13th or 14th century by Seljuks. The bridge is 43 meters long

Photo by Mehmet Fuat