Monday, August 4, 2014

Mount Nemrut

Mount Nemrut or Nemrud (Turkish: Nemrut Dağı) is a mountain located in Adıyaman Province. The mountain is notable for the summit where a number of large statues are erected around what is assumed to be a royal tomb from the 1st century BCMount Nemrut National Park is a ruin and national park which houses the ancient city of CommageneKingdom. There is a tumulus in the national park. The tumulus is located at an altitude of 2,150 m. The Mount Nemrut is also known as the 8th wonder of the world.

Coordinates: 37° 58' 48.67" N  38° 44' 24.32" E

The Gods of Commagene, Photo by Osmaniyeli Zafer

The Tumulus, Photo by Orhan DURGUT

The Gods of Commagene, Photo by Ahmet SERTTÜRK - EKSEN BALDO PİRİNÇ

The Gods of Commagene, Photo by Seref Halicioglu
The Gods of Commagene, Photo by Seref Halicioglu

Zeus/Oromasdes, Photo by Seref Halicioglu

Artagnes/Herakles/Ares, Photo by Seref Halicioglu

King Antiochus/Theos, Photo by Seref Halicioglu

King Antiochus/Theos,  Photo by Seref Halicioglu

Apollo/Mithras/Helios/Hermes,  Photo by Seref Halicioglu

Zeus/Oromasdes, Photo by Seref Halicioglu

Commagene/Fortuna/Tyche, Photo by Seref Halicioglu

Commagene/Fortuna/Tyche,  Photo by Seref Halicioglu

The Steels, Photo by Seref Halicioglu

The Eagle, Photo by Seref Halicioglu

The Lion, Photo by Seref Halicioglu

The Steels, Photo by Seref Halicioglu

Commagene/Fortuna/Tyche, Photo by Seref Halicioglu

King Antiochus/Theos,  Photo by Seref Halicioglu
The Stele, Photo by m.ta®han

The Lion and The Eagle, Photo by m.ta®han

Nemrut Dağı 3

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