Saturday, August 2, 2014


Balıklıgöl or Lake Aynzeliha and Lake Halil ür Rahman (Turkish: Balıklıgöl or Aynzeliha Gölü and Halil-Ür Rahman Gölü) are two lakes located in the south-west of Şanlıurfa Province. It is believed that Hadrat Abraham (Turkish: Hazreti İbrahim) felt into the Lake Halil ür Rahman when he was thrown into the fire. And it is believed that Zeliha, the daughter of Nemrud, felt into the Lake Aynzeliha when she was thrown into the fire. Because there are a lot of fishes in the lakes, the lakes are called as Balıklıgöl, literally Lake Fish or The Pool of Sacred Fish.

Coordinates: 37° 8' 52.40" N  38° 47' 1.67" E

Lake Halil Ür Rahman, Photo by H.İbrahim Üzmezoğlu
Lake Aynzeliha, Photo by Ahmet SERTTÜRK - EKSEN BALDO PİRİNÇ

Photo by Metin Erinc

Photo by meto69

Photo m.ta®han

Photo by Yunus Yavuz

Photo by gencosmanbircan

Photo bu krzymat10

Photo by Emel Yamanturk

Photo by hergezgin HasanErdem
Photo by hergezgin HasanErdem



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