Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Karakus Tumulus

Karakuş Tumulus or Women's Monument Tomb, lit. Black-Bird Tumulus (Turkish: Karakuş Tümülüsü or Kadınlar Anıt Mezarı) is located in the Kahta district of Adıyaman Province. The tumulus was built by Commagene's King Mithradates II and was dedicated to his mother Isas. The tumulus was built between 38 - 20 BC.

Coordinates: 37° 52' 10.00" N  38° 35' 17.00" E

Photo by agavk
Photo by Zygmunt Borowski

Photo by PRK_007

Photo by Seref Halicioglu

Photo by sacriphorius

Photo by Zygmunt Borowski

Karakuş Tümülüsü 4

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