Tuesday, September 16, 2014

The Chasm of Heaven and also known as only Cennet (Turkish: Cennet Obruğu) is located in the Silifke district of Mersin Province. Top opening of Cennet is 250 x 110 m2 and its average dept is 70 metres. It is possible to reach the bottom of Cennet by a primitive staircase composed of 300 steps. At the bottom towards south, there is a smaller and 150 steps deeper cave. In this cave are the ruins of a monastery built in the 5th century by a certain Paulus and dedicated to Virgin Mary. In this monastery one can hear the sound of a small underground stream from the monastery to the gulf of Narlıkuyu.

Coordinates: 36° 27' 6.42" N  34° 6' 19.21" E

Photo by Zygmunt Borowski

Photo by Seref Halicioglu

Photo by Seref Halicioglu

Photo by sacriphorius

Photo by Mehmet türkay

Photo by Caner Cangul

Photo be G Murad

Cennet on the right, Cehennem on the left. Photo by kilikyali

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